Thursday, 16 August 2012

Calling all writers

As a writer, you have stories which need time and space to be told - more than the 1200 words you might be able to get in a newspaper or magazine, right? And the burden and cost of writing a book make it difficult to go this route. Right again? is offering a solution, a new format which will allow you to write with depth but at a length that is great for both writers and readers. We believe this is the format of the future: between 5000 and 15 000 words, something which can be read in a single sitting, delivered electronically. will offer top quality South African non-fiction writing, sold directly to the public via the Web. Run by Anton Harber, Irwin Manoim, Fred Withers, Antony Altbeker and Noko Magkato, it will produce and market the material and writers will earn a cut from ever copy sold.

It has commissioned some work to be ready to launch but it needs more writers and topics. It wants sport, and health, business and politics: life in general. It wants great material with a South African flavour. And this is where you - the writer - come in.

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