Thursday, 11 April 2013

Boston Media House Sandton - Media Law notice

22 April 2013:
          Normal class times.
          Hand in answers to the Copyright Learning Unit questions during class.
          Advertising questions will be given during this class (see course outline).
          Reminder: Student consultation hour: 12h30 – 13h30

29 April 2013:
          Morning class: Normal class time, will be revision class of semester test and class test 1.
          Class test 1 AND semester test will be handed back to look over.
          Will revise semester test only (learning units 1 – 6), Class test 1 revision already done, can ask questions.
          This is valuable revision as it relates to content that will be asked again in the exam.
          Students must hand in answers to the Disclosure of Sources, Defamation and the first learning unit of Advertising questions during this class.
          Reminder: Student consultation hour: 12h30 – 13h30

29 April 2013:

          Afternoon class:
          Class test 2 written (brief was given during copyright lecture)
          Verbal reminder of brief to be given in morning and afternoon class on 22 April 2013.

Email the lecturer on, if necessary, for further explanation of the above/content related queries leading up to class test 2 (24 hour turn-around time for reply).