Making student life easier and less bewildering, has launched as a specific site for students in South Africa seeking vital survival information and as a direct line to 18-24 year olds, as a platform to promote student deals and discounts.
Students create a profile and then interact and transact with other students, much as Facebook does, and buy and sell things, like Gumtree.
The site was built by an experienced technical team who included optimised search engines, geo-tagging and all kinds of other techie wizardry that makes it fast and efficient.
Other Diggit extras that are in the pipeline include a CV builder, an app incubator and a New Deals section. It also has a full hybrid mobisite, which allows it to work on all smart mobile devices. Plus the jokes and pranks section, vital to student survival.
To celebrate its launch, it is running a competition where someone can win an all-expenses paid trip for two to Thailand worth R60,000. For more, go to